Folder Wastewater Solutions

“Next Generation” Wastewater Solutions

Whether its a large closed loop energy cooling system, an industrial or food processing water system, or a traditional municipal treatment system, increased state and federal regulations and disposal requirements are a current reality and growing challenge. 3 Tier’s Bio-Regen suite of natural wastewater products can deliver the “Next Generation” of organic water solutions that are both cost effective and environmentally friendly.

Bio-Regen products have been developed and proven in real world applications and offer targeted solutions to a host of industry challenges. The following is just a sample of the key targets:

  • Sludge Management – Dredging costs and disposal of material can break the bank. By applying targeted water treatment products, the sludge is consumed without disruption of mechanized processes. Simple feed processes naturally consume organic buildup and will improve water quality and regain holding capacities. Organic sludge, fats, oils, greases, and hydrocarbon residuals are all correctable targets for our products.
  • Algae & Excess Nutrient Loading – Algae creates a variety of water issues that limit the overall performance of a wastewater system. The normal cause is tied to excess nutrient loading and in most cases is related to sludge issues. 3 Tier offers new specialty products to address and correct these issues using new copper ion technology that is very safe for even potable water sources.
  • Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) & Odor Control – H2S is a tremendous health and safety issue as are noxious odors that can be created by imbalanced wastewater systems. Specialty products have been designed not to mask the odors or H2S, but rather go directly to the root cause and alter the water’s properties to reduce and ultimately eliminate the problem.
  • Water Quality – With increased regulatory requirements for water disposal or release, the management of BOD, COD, TSS, TDS, EC, ORP, and all the other factors used for quality can be achieved with a balanced water treatment system. A simple, automated injection system can provide superior water quality and clarity to meet today’s rigid standards and eliminate excessive disposal costs.
  • Salt, Chloride, & Bicarbonate Treatments – Sodium-based water can create both long and short term operational and maintenance issues of pipes, pumps and equipment. Specialty treatment products are available to buffer and neutralize the harmful effects of corrosive materials in waste streams for improved re-use.

As an added benefit to our customers, 3 Tier has assembled a team of water specialists that will provide a detailed explanation of the problem(s) with a comprehensive corrective plan and measurable expectations. 3 Tier will provide this service at no charge to our customers and also offer cost effective on-site management and training without long-term, expensive contracts. We are happy to work with engineering consulting firms or directly with the customer to achieve dramatic savings over the span of the project. We focus on solutions.

For additional information or a complete review of your immediate challenges, contact 3 Tier at 877-226-7498 or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Find a distributor in your area.

pdf Next Generation Wastewater Solutions

Bio-Regen products have been developed and proven in real world applications and offer targeted
solutions to a host of industry challenges.

pdf 3 Tier Technical FAQ - H2S

Find the answers to following question - download the pdf.

  • Why does H2S form?
  • What condition causes the formation of H2S?
  • What takes place next?
  • Is H2S corrosive or toxic?
  • How 3 Tier Corrects H2S in Oil & Water?

pdf PWT-1000 Water Treatment Technology

What is PWT-1000? PWT-1000 is a unique formula containing a patent pending Polyelectrolyte Enhanced Biopolymer (PEB) and a readily biodegradable natural amino acid complex creating a double action “catalyst and support system” that enhances the natural wastewater treatment process. It was scientifically formulated to eliminate H2S, lower sodium and metal levels/toxicity; reduce electrical conductivity and total suspended solids.

pdf OIL-1000 Crude Oil Treatment Technology

What is OIL-1000? OIL-1000 is a unique formula containing a patent pending Polyelectrolyte Enhanced Biopolymer (PEB) and a readily biodegradable natural amino acid complex creating a double action “catalyst and support system” that enhances the safe and natural treatment of crude oil. It was scientifically formulated to eliminate H2S while having no negative impact to the oil’s quality or ability to be refined without any additional process requirements.

pdf Bio-Regen OWS (Organic Waste Solution)

Using billions of organic waste-specific microbes, Bio-Regen™ OWS (Organic Waste Solution) is formulated to treat organic waste problems at the source. An array of highly specialized species and subspecies of Bacillus microbes that exhibit specific enzymatic activities is selected to rapidly decompose organic solid wastes as well as reduce harmful levels of wastewater nutrients and/or odor causing agents. Reductions in noxious odors through combative inhabitance are the cornerstone of the microbial activity in the Bio-Regen™ OWS series. The Turbo Technology is shelf-stabilized to react quickly upon product application. Unlike other microbial technologies, which require longer times for the microbial preservation system to wear off, the Turbo Technology ensures the beneficial microbes enter hyper growth as rapidly as possible, reacting with the organic waste to provide real results.


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3 Tier Technologies

413 W. 13th Street
Sanford, FL 32771


Headquartered in Sanford Florida 

Get in Touch

Toll-Free | 1-877-226-7498

Local | 1-321-594-7681

Fax | 1-877-570-0072