3 Tier Technologies Microbial Solutions are advanced microbial products that have two distinct advantages over other microbial products. The principal advantages our blend offers is diversity of composition and size. We have identified that the largest biological component in soil is single cell bacteria. For this reason we have carefully selected seven specific Bacillus genuses while including multiple species of each to create a very diverse microbial package. We also discovered that the current competitive products often contain between 100 and 300 billion colony forming units per cubic centimeter. 3 Tier then created our microbial package to be concentrated with 864 billion colony forming units per cubic centimeter, a nearly six-fold increase! Not only do we have an initial size advantage, we also established another critical advantage through our all-natural, proprietary, sugar-based preservative package, allowing the microbes to awake easily when mixed with water. This non-chemical preservative process converts to a valuable food source for exponential growth of microbes once diluted. Our concentrated, specially-selected microbes are strong enough to correct chemical and microbial imbalances and regenerate soils to a healthy state.
- Huma-Balance XL
- Cal 86 Plus
- Bio-Cat Booster